HTML/JS: deg-min-sec to degree decimal

Degree Minutes Seconds to degree decimal converter

Degree Minute Seconds


To convert from degrees minutes seconds to degree-decimal, we use the following steps,

  1. Divide the value provided in minutes by 60.
  2. Divide the value provided in seconds by 3600.
  3. If the value provided in degrees is positive, add the results from step #1 and #2 to that value.
  4. If the value provided in degrees is negative, subtract the results from step #1 and step #2 from that value.


Convert $12^\circ\,12^{\prime}\,12^{\prime\prime}$ from degrees minutes seconds to degree decimal using the procedure above,

\text{deg} &: \frac{12^\circ}{1^\circ} = 12, \quad\text{min} : \frac{12^\prime}{60^\prime} = 0.2,\quad \text{sec} : \frac{12^{\prime\prime}}{3600^{\prime\prime}} = 0.003333333\newline\\
\text{dd} &: 12 + 0.2 + 0.003333333 \rightarrow 12.203333333

See also


  1. Degree decimal to deg-min-sec


  1. hour-min-sec to degree decimal
  2. Degree decimal to hour-min-sec

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